UFO vid catch Up Analysis + Michael Horn deluded and close minded blocks me - OT Chan Live-451

3 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #aliens #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

[00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[08:00] (2) Uodate from Michael Horn - shows us how up himself he is
despite being nice and trying to format a text interview to see
if a face to face would of work.. We can see how much now
it wouldnt of worked at all. I would of destroyed him.. I sure
showed his poor attitude to other researchers and experiencers
n the field.
[30:00] (3) Trolled by Scoff from oZ.. I lost my cool cos of the same
BS insults I suffer from brain dead ufologist or shell I say mentals
in the field we have to deal with.
[33:00] (4) Look over PINK SMOKE more in detail since the last time,
at the end of it.. all things seen in the footage was nothing to do with climate
change nor aliens nor UFOs nor critters.. but a collection of various things
pushed high up in the air by bush fires.
[02:00:00] Look at how the moon was made.. NO its not PLASMA like
Justin of Pink Smoke was claiming!
[02:30:00] Astral Project and Out of Body. What is the difference and
my own out of body I had compared to article information.
And again no its nothing to do with spirit but more going on.. nothing
to do with the moon as Pink Smoke Claimed in the side chat
of the last live show he was on. I suspect he unsubbed now.. but I
dont care.. TRUTH is not elementals and fantasy talk! sorry if hurts
your feelings or makes you full of hate .. cos dont fit your world view!
[03:00:00] At look at Secureteam claims of things in lightning..
Scott UFOofinterest has already debunk much of his videos this week
anyhow.. and most were more fear mongering not UAP vids anyhow!
Boring! booms are mini quakes. look at whats happening in world
volcanoes and quakes in places never had them before like Melborne
[04:00:00] Look over thirdphaseofmoon alleged UFOs

Wrap up for the night.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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