Warning ⚠️ The Ultimate Jedi MTF Subliminal! (Submerged Version)

3 years ago

The Ultimate Jedi MTF Subliminal Affirmations:
I am now shifting to a reality where I have always been a female, you are now shifting to a reality where you have always been a female, I now have a fully functional vagina, you now have a fully functional vagina, my penis and balls will retract and be absorbed into my vagina, your penis and balls will retract and be absorbed into your vagina, my body will lower in testosterone, your body will lower in testosterone, my body will increase in estrogen, your body will increase in estrogen, I will have symmetrical double j cup breasts, you will have symmetrical double j cup breasts, my breasts will rapidly continue to expand and get larger until they are double j cups, your breasts will rapidly continue to expand and get larger until they are double j cups, my breasts now have mammary glands, your breasts now have mammary glands, my male reproductive system will fully transform into a female reproductive system, your male reproductive system will fully transform into a female reproductive system, I will have natural, light, and painless periods, you will have natural, light, and painless periods, my balls are now fully transforming into ovaries, your balls are now fully transforming into ovaries, I now have a high pitch feminine voice, you now have a high pitch feminine voice, I now have a siren singing voice, you now have a siren singing voice, I will have a completely hairless body, you will have a completely hairless body, all my facial hairs will fall out, disappear from existence, and never grow back, all your facial hairs will fall out, disappear from existence, and never grow back, my body now has a small bone structure, your body now has a small bone structure, my body will grow or shrink until it’s my desired height, your body will grow or shrink until it’s your desired height, I will now have a small waist, you will now have a small waist, Everyone that I have ever known or met will remember me as a girl since birth, everyone that you have ever known or met will remember you as a girl since birth, I am now fully transforming into a biological woman, you are now fully transforming into a biological woman, my body will now perform and carry out all normal c, i, s, girl functions, your body will now perform and carry out all normal c, i, s, girl functions, if desired I will have the ability to become pregnant, if desired you will have the ability to become pregnant, if desired I will have a painless pregnancy and delivery, if desired you will have a painless pregnancy and delivery, everyone that I have ever known or met will now call me by my desired name or feminine pronouns, everyone that you have ever known or met will now call me by my desired name or feminine pronouns, all my facial features will now resemble a sexy, slim female, all your facial features will now resemble a sexy, slim female, I will now have the facial structure of a female, you will now have the facial structure of a female, I am now immune to my Adam’s apple, you are now immune to your Adam’s apple, I am now free of my Adam’s apple, you are now free of your Adam’s apple, I will have my desired body weight, you will have your desired body weight, I will have a jumbo large bubble butt, you will have a jumbo large bubble butt, my butt cheeks will continue to expand and get larger until they resemble my desired size, your butt cheeks will continue to expand and get larger until they resemble your desired size, I now have sexy and symmetrical feminine thighs, you now have sexy and symmetrical feminine thighs, my finger nails and toenails will fully become feminine, your finger nails and toenails will fully become feminine, I now have a feminine mindset and personality, you now have a feminine mindset and personality, my hair will now change to a dark black color and extend all the way down to my waist, your hair will now change to a dark black color and extend all the way down to your waist, my hair will now have its desired thickness, your hair will now have its desired thickness, I now have the chromosomes of a genetic female, you now have the chromosomes of a genetic female, I am now a female at the cellular level, you are now a female at the cellular level, I now have a small, flawless, feminine nose, you now have a small, flawless, feminine nose, I am now immune to sideburns and unibrows, you are now immune to sideburns and unibrows, I will have small hands, you will have small hands, I will have extremely smooth skin, you will have extremely smooth skin, I am now Manifesting my desired clothes, you are now manifesting your desired clothes, all forms of identification including photos, videos, pictures, and all types and forms of legal documents and documentation will now change to show that I have always been a female since birth, all forms of identification including photos, videos, pictures, and all types and forms of legal documents and documentation will now change to show that you have always been a female since birth, I am now manifesting instant results, you are now manifesting instant results, I am now completely free of blockages. You are now completely free of blockages, I will have a v shaped jaw, you will have a v shaped jaw, I am now manifesting my desired lightsaber, you are now manifesting your desired lightsaber, my lightsaber will now have my desired kyber crystal, your lightsaber will now have your desired kyber crystal, my lightsaber now has its desired color, your lightsaber now has its desired color, I am now manifesting Jedi robes, you are now manifesting Jedi robes, I now understand Cosmic Energy, you now understand cosmic energy, I can now channel Cosmic Energy, you can now channel cosmic energy, The Force is with Me, the force is with you, I can now channel the Force, you can now channel the force, I now have Massive Spiritual Energy, you now have massive spiritual energy, I am now a Telekinetic being, you are now a telekinetic being, I can now move objects easily with my Mind, you can now move objects easily with your mind, I can now use Telekinesis easily, you can now use telekinesis easily, I am now Limitless in the force, you are now limitless in the force, I will become a powerful Jedi, you will become a powerful Jedi, I am now a Reiki Healer, you are now a Reiki Healer, I can now channel Reiki, you can now channel Reiki, I can now channel Chi, you can now channel Chi, I now have a clear undersanding of Qigong, you now have a clear understanding of Qigong, I can now move Energy Easily, you can now move energy easily, I am now filled with Limitless Light, you are now filled with limitless light, I am now a Spirit Warrior, you are now a Spirit Warrior, I am now a Light Warrior, you are now a Light Warrior, I can now influence Energy, you can now influence energy, I am now an excellent Fighter, you are now an excellent fighter, I now have infinite Light within Me, you now have infinite light within you, I can now Heal Energy, you can now heal energy, I can now Heal Anything, you can now heal anything, I now have the ability to Heal and regenerate every cell that makes up my physical body, you now have the ability to Heal and regenerate every cell that makes up your physical body, I am now a Psychic, you are now a Psychic, I am now Clairvoyant, you are now Clairvoyant, My Spiritual Abilities are now limitless, your spiritual abilities are now limitless, My Mental Powers are now Limitless, your mental powers are now limitless, I now have Strong Will Power, you now have strong Will power, I will now use my powers for Good, you will now use your powers for good, I am now a Light Warrior, you are now a light warrior, I will now protect the Innocent lives, you will now protect the innocent lives, I am now one with the Living Force, you are now one with the living force, I can now use Telekinesis easily, you can now use Telekinesis easily, I am now Telpathic, you are now Telpathic, I can now Influence any and all Minds, you can now influence any and all minds, I am now a master at the Force Push, the force pull, and the force heal, you are now a master at the force push, the force pull, and the force heal, I now Love the Living Force, you now love the living Force, I now Love Life Force Energy, you now love life force energy, I will Respect Life Force Energy, you will respect life force Energy, I will Create Life Force Energy, you will create life force energy, I will respect Universal Energy, you will respect universal energy, I now have Limitless Life Force Energy, you now have limitless life force Energy, I now Love Universal Energy, you now love universal energy, I am now one with source, you are now one with source, I am now One with My Soul, you are now one with your soul, I am now One with Universal Energy, you are now one with universal Energy, I will now clearly understand Energy, you will now clearly understand energy, I will now clearly understand Physics, you will now clearly understand physics, My Mind is now Unlimited and unbound, your mind is now unlimited and unbound, My Spirit is now Unlimited, your spirit is now Unlimited, My Abilities are now Unlimited, your abilities are now unlimited, I am now an Intuitive being, you are now an Intuitive being, My Intuition is now Stronger than ever, your intuition is now stronger than ever, I am now Spiritually Strong, you are now spiritually strong, My Spirit is now emitting Powerful vibrations, your spirit is now emitting powerful vibrations, I am now a true Light Warrior, you are now a true light warrior, I now learn anything with ease, you now learn anything with ease,I will now learn new Force Powers easily, you will now learn new force powers easily, I can now Influence Energy Easily, you can now influence energy easily, My Aura is now Powerful, your Aura is now powerful, My Aura will now Protect me, your Aura will now protect you, I Will always know what to do, you will always know what to do, I can now sense any and all disturbances in the force, you can now sense any and all disturbances in the force, My Instincts are now on Point, your instincts are now on point, Universal Energy now flows through Me, universal Energy now flows through you, I am getting results every time I eat, sleep, and breathe, you are getting results every time you eat, sleep, and breathe

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