My Dirt Remembers A Spoken Word Piece

3 years ago

My dirt remembers
It remembers a time before I was born when people who look like me had to enter through a separate set of doors

My dirt remembers
It remembers the laws that were passed by wicked men who didn't see those who look like me as people but as property

My dirt remembers
It remembers all the people who look like me who were used as live test subject in hospitals cause wicked doctors thought they couldn't feel pain or simply didn't care

My dirt remembers
It remembers how people who look like me had to give up their seat on a bus so people who felt entitled could sit down

My dirt remembers
It remembers the airmen who look like me and fought along side this country only to be used in yet another experiment (Tuskegee anyone)

My dirt remembers
It remembers a time when children who look like me were not allowed to go into schools and be taught by people who looked different from them

My dirt remembers
It remembers the leaders just like you simply doing what the government told them too

My dirt remembers
It remembers the name calling the cross burnings and the lynchings

Today my dirt is crying out
No longer is it blacks being seen as sub human now it's the unvaccinated but unlike before we all don't look the same anymore

No longer do we see signs that say whites only now they say vaccinated only

My dirt is warning me of my history so I don't repeat all that misery

Don't punish me for the medical choices I choose to make cause at its core that's how you discriminate

I stand before you today a liberated child of the most high God an African American and I want to stay that way

If you like this spoken word piece you can let me know by commenting below and giving me. Follow over on telegram at RootsOverFruits


Photo edit: PicsArt

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