The Iceberg of Finance Part 1 of 8: How Deep Does it Go?

3 years ago

This series of videos will analyze the iceberg of finance. For those not familiar with iceberg memes, they are charts are usually images of an iceberg, captioned humorously so as to convey that the tip of the iceberg is the summation of the knowledge of most people, while the much larger submerged part of the iceberg is the sum of all knowledge of a particular topic. The deeper it goes, the weirder, darker, and more conspiratorial it gets. In finance, there is enough odd truths out there that make our field perfectly suitable to icebergs.

Link to Original Iceberg:

This video specifically is the sky level, the above surface concepts that are generally part of mass culture's core understanding of finance.

0:00 Introduction
2:05 Bulls and Bears
5:15 Wall Street
9:03 Rule of 72
10:25 Compounding
15:49 IPOs
19:09 Origin of the Capital Markets
26:27 Dogecoin

Ascent of Money:

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