3 years ago

We have been trying to warn you. but they are silencing us!

We have been trying to warn you. but they are silencing us!


Let's give this ALL the attention this deserves my friends.

Our enemies are moving, in real time for our collective rights and liberties.

We simply MUST take action... NOW.

They will use Assange to get to all of you.

If they have their way here, there will not be a fight to be had soon enough.

Julian Assange being extradited literally represents the Deep State changing the precedence of the law.

If they are able to do so... it means NO MORE PATRIOT VOICE EVENTS... at all!

It means ANYONE who EVER speaks out against their government (let alone exposes it for its crimes) will be locked up and the key WILL BE THROWN AWAY!

This is the number to call, to speak directly to the people overseeing Julian Assange's case for the DOJ.


If you, like countless others, are angry that the FBI
1. Hired a pedophile (Siggi the hacker),

2. Covered up his abuse of children (one of whom then committed suicide);

3. Used him to manufacture (now exposed) lies in order to arrest Julian Assange.

4. And offered the pedophile immunity for everything.

Then I highly suggest you give them a ring and let them know (politely) EXACTLY how you feel.
Because at the heart of their deception, is a plot to steal your rights and freedoms.
Assange is being charged with publishing materials that embarrassed the US Gov and showed their war crimes (specifically their murder of women, children, and journalists).
If the US Gov has its way here, they will "legally" be able to extract and imprison anyone who dares to speak out against them, even you.
Why not take a moment, share this, and then give them a ring and remind them, we are NOT blind to their plans here.

And publishing truth is NOT a crime.

Add your voice to the thousands crying out on behalf of Truth.

Demand they drop the corrupt prosecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

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