2021 09 21 Media One Mavericks Episode 005 - A Bible Reading from Psalm 13:1-6

3 years ago

A Bible Reading from Psalm 13:1-6
Psalm 13 is a very short Psalm with very few verses, but the message is compelling and passionate because it seems to be a lamentation or a cry unto God.
Have you ever felt like God is distant from you, or that maybe God may have forgotten you? When you are in a state of trouble or discomfort, remember that God wants to help us and give us victory in all our difficulties.
We need Psalm 13 when we find ourselves in times of anxiety or when we feel like we are losing faith. Reflect on the strength of Psalm 13 in your times of trouble and pour your heart unto God.
If you feel lost and alone, now is the best time to return to God in prayer.

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