PAUSE TO PRAY: New Series - Illegitimate Rulers

3 years ago

We are at a point in history when humanity realizes we need new forms of government. Across cultures and denominations, nations, and confederations, people are discovering we must reform our systems and re-organize who we have as rulers. We are waking! A remnant is rising.

We realize that people, ideologies, corporations, and spiritual powers rule over intense power and authority seats in the earth. The uncomfortable truth is that these unopposed rulers occupy seats of influence because kingdom people have allowed them to take over. How? Anyplace light withdraws, darkness consumes.

But the Spirit of God is liberating and empowering His bride in this hour! A freedom movement is already sweeping the earth. The Father is calling His Body out of bondage and back to His heart. Like the Exodus from Egypt in 1446 B.C and the return of Babylonian exiles in c.540 B.C, YHWY is setting His people free. But this time, our call is to come out from the pervasive cultural, monetary, and governmental systems with a stranglehold on nations across the earth. In the words of Moses, "Let my people go!" says the Lord of Hosts.

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