The Final Agitation

3 years ago

Treasonous General Milley is elevated to the spotlight after revelations alleged in Woodward and Costa's book details his call with China and promises made to betray President Trump. Yet this is only the small amount given to what is really going on in the U.S. Our country quickly falls to more tyranny by medical personnel and bureaucrats. The issues using this are astounding and point to further agitation to turn citizens against one another from an obvious cold civil war to a hot one. Globalist powers move heavily as Biden removed the U.S. from Afghanistan and imports unvetted refugees into the states. The southern border surges with illegal aliens including large numbers from Haiti. What does this mean for our country and what is happening with our military that will be used to consume the nation? The Final Agitation is underway and Americans must wake up to be prepared and to also fight against it. Join Dustin Faulkner tonight on #FrontlineLive.


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