Fix Your Metabolism: Dr. Bill Cole + Dr. Michael Goran

3 years ago

Whoever coined the phrase “sugar and spice and everything nice” obviously wasn’t thinking of the health consequences that sugar brings – because if we’re being honest, sugar is anything but nice! 😈

As a nation we’re fatter and sicker than ever before, and sugar is largely to blame.

The average American now consumes a whopping 150 pounds of sugar every the beginning of the 20th century, that number was only 17.5 pounds. 🤯🤯🤯

Fast foods and processed foods are packed full of sugar – even processed foods marketed as “healthy” are big offenders. In fact, it’s been estimated that sugar and empty calories (meaning calories from food that lacks any real nutrients) account for nearly 40% of most Americans' calories in a day.

All of this sugar is taking a huge toll on our health, driving inflammation and disease in the body like fuel on a 🔥.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Michael Goran recently – renowned researcher and author of the highly-acclaimed book Sugarproof – to discuss this in more detail.

Take a listen!

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