Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe threatens covid19 vaccine holdouts September 2021

3 years ago

This broadcast of Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan, was made in September 2021 after an uptick in the numbers of covid19 cases in his province. He issues threats and speaks calumnies of biotech jab holdouts. We note here that, concordant with other Premiers, he did not threaten the holdouts in the legislature where his speech would be on record and he would be questioned by fellow Parliamentarians.

At 0:25 Moe says that "unlike previous waves this wave of the pandemic is being driven almost entirely by one group that consists of about 20 to 30 percent of our population, those that have made the choice to remain unvaccinated."

Moe is not thinking straight or clearly or else he would not have said these things and made a catastrophical error and epic fail. Maybe he was too influenced by his Chief Medical Officer, Dr Saqib Shahab, and didn't pass the speech past his Cabinet or his paid political aides. Why do his fellows pay for these fripperies?

We remind readers here of the timeline of the pandemic. The vaccine was approved in December 2021. By that time at least two waves were seen. It is difficult to take him seriously after this point yet we must because he wields a powerful stick.

Moe continues: "As a government we have been very patient. Possibly too patient." Here he is fighting for his job. The capacity of covid19 hospital beds should have been increased many months ago. We are now in the 20th month of this event. Moe was in power and Moe failed to prepare for this eventuality, even though he was well aware of the problem as early as Operation LASER made the news. The prediction that the pandemic will cease when all Saskatchewanians are vaccinated should be considered in line with his wrong history, as noted above. Moe is no authority; he simply repeats what his health service tells him to say.

Later at 1:21 Moe threatens his fellow citizens with unannounced "consequences".. "making it less comfortable to remain unvaccinated in Saskatchewan". On 1 October Moe will initiate his version of a vaccine passport. Here he announces that all Crown employees will be forced to vaccinate themselves on pain of termination. "That patience has now come to an end." Lamentably he characterizes as "reckless" the decision that each is legally able to make on his own under the Nuremberg Code, which was underscored when several Nazi doctors were hanged.

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