Just a little programming session

3 years ago

Really, the most trivial stuff in programming goes quite often with the most of stupid bugs. Here I'll demonstrate how many test takes and fixes I needed to do something dead simple. Of course, makes you appreciate how I sometimes suffer with the more complex parts of a game.

The language I used was the Neil language, which is based on the Lua scripting engine (actually it basically generates Lua code, but takes me the trouble of crating metatables and a lot more crap out of the way), and I simply used jEdit since it was the easiest editor to set up a syntax highlighter for.

The game is "The Fairy Tale REVAMPED" which is an existing game, but I am giving it a code make-over in a new engine, as the old engine won't compile anymore, and I want to preserve the game. The old engine was written in BlitzMax, and this one was written in C++ and uses the SDL2 libraries. It's also more advanced than my old engine ever was, hence the need to write all the script code anew.

No ETA for the new version yet, but I'm working as fast as I can. 😎

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