2nd Amendment March in Lansing, Michigan

3 years ago

2nd Amendment supporters gathered at the Michigan State Capitol today for the 12th annual ‘2A March’ in Lansing.

The event was organized by Second Amendment March and Michigan Open Carry, Inc. Attendees included Three Percenters, some members of the Boogaloo movement, Republican campaigners, local firearms instructors, and other groups and individuals.

A crowd of about 100 was out for the event, the first major pro-gun rights demonstration since Michigan’s Capitol Commission banned open carry of firearms inside the building in January.

Speeches included gubernatorial candidate Mike Brown, one of several Republicans seeking the party’s nomination to run against incumbent Governor Gretchen Whitmer next fall.

A portion of the crowd made a brief march around the Capitol Complex, with heavy rain throughout the day shortening the march this year. Speeches were held underneath a large tent on the Capitol lawn throughout the day before the crowd dispersed in the early afternoon.

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