10 things I've learned from treating COVID-19 patients

3 years ago

In this video, Dr. Marcum is sharing 10 things he's learned from treating patients for COVID-19 over the past year. This pandemic has been flooding hospitals and there's a lot of confusion and mistrust. There's so much we just don't know yet. From vaccines and quarantines to prevention and treatment, there's still much to learn. Here's a first-hand account of what Dr. Marcum's come to understand. Our intent is to offer hope and point people to our source of truth who is Jesus Christ.

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Books By Dr. James L. Marcum(founder of Biblical Prescriptions for Life)
The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn't Telling You
Medicines That Kill: The Truth about the Hidden Epidemic
Biblical Prescriptions for Life: Discovering the Ultimate Physician's secret to Health and Healing


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