3 years ago

Two-cent postage

Instructions for 2 cent mailings.

The United States Post Office, was sold to a French corporation, during the Nixon administration, and only operates in behalf of the US Gov. However the laws regarding the cost of postage may never be recinded, repealed or ammended, never.

The law requires that (all) one half oz. letters-be delivered anywhere in the Continental US for 2 cents.

1) in the upper right hand corner write:

First Class Non Domestic

Without Predjudice


bk.12 Statutes At Large

Chapter 71 section 23

37th. Congress Session 111

2) do not use zip code

3) do not abbreviate states

I do and when I used it got several HOT letters and threats from postal authorities. The problem with it is that DOMESTIC MAIL is sent through the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and the 2 cent rate doesn't apply to them. Not the same PO. I've done some checking on the International mail sequence since you forwarded that email on Domestic v/s International mail. I went to the local office of the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and requested an International mail, return receipt requested card. It is PS Form 2865 and MAGICALLY it is delivered by POSTAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! SAYS SO, RIGHT ON THE CARD. That's why breaking the "sequence" as mentioned in the email, is important.

The law cite:

12 Stat 701, CHAP. LXXI:

CHAP. LXXI.--An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Post-Office Department.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General shall have the power to appoint and commission all postmasters whose salary or compensation for the preceding fiscal year shall at the time of such appointment have been ascertained to be less than one thousand dollars per year; and in all other cases the President shall appoint. The person appointed postmaster shall reside within the delivery of the office to which he shall be appointed.


[at 12 Stat. 705] SEC. 23. And be it further enacted, That the rate of postage on all letters not transmitted through the mails of the United States, but delivered through the post-office or its carriers, commonly described as local or drop letters, and not exceeding one half ounce in weight, shall be uniform at two cents, and an additional rate for each half ounce or fraction thereof of additional weight, to be in all cases prepaid by postage stamps affixed to the envelope of such letter, but no extra postage or carrier's fee shall hereafter be charged or collected upon letters delivered by carriers, nor upon letters collected by them for mailing or for delivery.

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