Requiem for a Once Great World Super Power

3 years ago

Already this year, we are surpassing the combined total of the last three years of encounters at the Southern border of the United States. And what has the Biden Administration done about this surge? They stopped the construction of the border wall and pulled back on enforcement and border patrol.

Texas has taken matters into their own hands to try and secure the border by placing Texas National Guard and Texas Department of Public Safety cars side by side along the border as a deterrent. People from all over the world are making the dangerous trek to the United States outside of the legal immigrations system. Now, we have people traveling from Haiti all the way to Del Rio, Texas.

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, testified in Congress over the border crisis. When asked if the border is more secure now under the Biden Administration’s leadership, Sec. Mayorkas responded:

"Congressman, it is no less secure than it was previously."

What? This is an outright lie based on the numbers of migrants encountered at the border. Even still, the Biden Administration and Members of Congress blame former President Donald Trump for the devastation at the border.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee blames the Trump Administration in an interview on CNN:

"But, what has happened is, because of the Trump relic of Title 42 and the demonizing of immigrants through our Governor, Governor Abbott, who is looking towards the next election, we can’t seem to really know how to handle this surge. I think the Biden Administration is very eager to adhere to how we are a land of immigrants and a land of laws."

If we were a land of law, we would enforce existing laws or prior policies that previously worked. ACLJ Director of Policy Harry Hutchison remarked:

"Instead of embracing existing law, however, the Biden Administration has embraced lawlessness. . . . We have embraced defeat in Afghanistan. We have surrendered our border to the open society, open border activists, and to . . . even to terrorists. The Biden Administration continues to claim without a shred of evidence that the border is closed. This is a fabrication of the first order. Many people have asked, why have we opened the border? Why do we have people living under a bridge in 107-degree temperatures? Why do we have more than 1.5 illegals who have crossed the border this year? The answer, I think, is that the Biden border policy is simply intentional. They may see the failure at the border as success. . . . The goal of the Democrats is to transform America. One of the best ways to transform America is bring in new voters who are highly dependent on the Democrats to change both the political . . . landscape of the nation. At the end of the day, we have a failure of the Biden Administration, and I see no end in sight to its acceptance of defeat."

During the House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Rep. Carlos Gimenez asked Secretary Mayorkas of the millions of people that we’ve encountered at the border, what are the statistics for how many people have been returned to their country of origin, dispersed into ours, or detained at the border? Sec. Mayorkas replied:

"I would be pleased to provide you with specific data subsequent to this meeting, Congressman."

After Rep. Gimenez reminded Mayorkas that he said the exact same thing yesterday in the Senate hearing, Sec. Mayorkas responded:

"Well, Congressman, let me share something with you quite clearly. I work 18 hours a day, ok? So, when I returned from yesterday’s hearing, I actually focused on mission. We will get that data, both to the Senator who posed it yesterday and to you, Congressman, today."

There are entire divisions in the Department of Homeland Security that are responsible for gathering that information. He is the head of the department; he just has to ask the people that work for him for these numbers. It’s clear they do not want this data released to the public.

Harry summed it up best:

"The Biden Administration has simply created the incentives and the conditions for a crisis at the border. Now that it has come, the Biden Administration has basically thrown up its hands and said, oh it is President Trump’s fault."

That’s not how it works. We are going to hold the Biden Administration accountable for their self-created disaster at the border. We’ve filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, and the Biden Administration has ignored our request, so we’ve filed a lawsuit to get to the bottom of this.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more analysis of DHS Secretary Mayorkas testifying in Congress over the border crisis.

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