When is the Antichrist Revealed?

3 years ago

#Antichrist #EndTimes
Scripture study into when the antichrist is truly revealed. It seems we will all have to wait and see, but we can see in the Bible verses that he will definitely be revealed when he sets himself up as God himself. Many believe he is revealed before this time- when he signs the covenant (spoken of in Daniel) with "many." Time will tell- all we can truly do is wait upon the Lord. We will all have to wait and see.

This should not cause division among brothers and sisters in Christ- nor should pre-trib/pre-wrath (or mid-trib) rapture doctrine. As only God knows the day and hour. I do not want to be led by pastors or theologians alone, or popular doctrine/schools of thought, or movies portraying this. I truly love the Lord and believe we can go to God for wisdom and the Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and teach us in His truth and His Word....In His timing and as He chooses to reveal revelations to us. We are to love one another- iron sharpens iron- therefore we should be able to discuss this, search the scriptures for ourselves, study to show ourselves approved- rightly dividing the Word of God. We may never see eye to eye on all prophecy, but it is our faith in Christ that saves us. I love end times studies and I love His Word. The Lord knows my heart and soul on this and that I truly seek Him and want to draw near and since we are left in this world, I believe we should stay watchful and aware of what is happening. I pray those truly following the Lord, will be given wisdom, discernment, courage and strength like His disciples had in these dark days- to stand strong for the truth and Christ no matter what we may face. God Bless

Another good study on this :




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