🔥BOOM 🔥BOOM 🔥BOOM !!Decode and much more: September 23, 2021 Enjoy 🌏☮❤🍿🙏

3 years ago

Link for scientific information of Zeolite https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6515299/

Link to Restoring Liberty: https://t.me/DrHorelick/10568

Gary Holand Telegram: https://t.me/gholland04

Dr. Jeffrey Horelick Telegram: https://t.me/DrHorelick

This is certainly a set of unique decode(s), as I have not included so many posts before. As many of you know Dan Scavino went on a posting frenzy on Sep 18th and 19th, and there is no doubt a message, or two in those posts!
Let us see what we find …
There is without a doubt something in the air. Over the last several weeks the Left/Dems have become even more unhinged and has to do with the constant release (leaked) information detrimental to them.
To show how Unhinged they are, an example, the DHS Secretary testified in front of Congress, and when asked about the Southern Border, he said …
… it is closed
… again, last night he made the same statement. Also saying no one is coming across the Southern Border
It is difficult to grasp those answers considering, we have been watching Video after Video of Illegals Coming into the Country. Even some of MSM are showing the videos.
Sometimes it looks like a crowded freeway of people coming across, and for this ‘moron’ to set there and make such statements is simply unbelievable
It is not just this one person; this is just one example of many of the lunacy coming out of anyone associated with the Lying-Biden Administration and your run-of-the-mill Leftist Democrat.
The (Q)question is do these people believe they have won w/gleeful confidence or have gone off the Deep end …
… is this a Movie Script building for the final scene, and post credits?!
There are a couple of conclusions that fit this insanity …
… these people no-longer feel the American people have any recourse to stop them, or that it is simply too late to stop them.
… they believe they can say or do anything they wish, and Nothing will be done.
… a good example of where this is going, is Australia - those running the country have no concern for their citizens. They are arresting them, beating them, shooting them, taking their children away, all in the name of a ‘Pandemic (aka, Fake Pandemic).’
This is what happens when Totalitarianism sets in — This is where they want to take America!
As mentioned above, something is different now. It is difficult to put your finger on it, except to supply some context. Let us look at some of the items …
… President Trump has become more vocal of late. Making multiple statements per day, going on radio, social-media, and TV
… There are numerous reports from citizen-journalists in DC that President Trump has been in DC in the last few days.
… Liberals, RINOs, DS, and the MSM make statements as if they are in a different reality (see example above), which looks to be a sign of desperation.
… we see leaked ‘damning’ reports out of AZ of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
… we see many reports out of GA of its corruption during the 2020 election. Especially the 10,000’s of ballots that have no Chain-of-Custody, making them Invalid
… Project Veritas has started releasing Whistleblower and Undercover Reports of government officials on COVID, and the ‘poison’ known as the Vaccine
… Remember Afghanistan, a complete and utter disaster with ramifications that could easily lead to a world war. And let us not forget, this was Planned by the Democrats and DS. The good news is people are being educated on what really happened. Even Active-Duty Military and Vets are outraged about this. From a Veteran’s perspective, it takes a LOT for Active-Duty personnel to speak out like this
… You might recall the Pfizer vaccine was approved by the FDA, it was a third party that did the approval for them, and of course the head of that third party is associated with big pharma. What is interesting here is Pfizer had two weeks from the approval to release the ingredients of the vaccine and associated studies. As of today, they have not. Which means technically there is no approval. In the end, what they did was approve it so they could use the approval to mandate vaccines, lockdowns, and masks.
… the best so far. Americans are FINALLY waking up. People are Tired of Biden, and the Tyranny from him, the Democrats, RINOs, DS, and MSM. Something we’ve all worried would never happen. We see videos posted to social media from the military, people from blue states, and more, all fed up with this insanity. Which tells us one thing …
… The Great Awakening has reached a Critical Point with Information Dissemination
AND … it is Time!
Let us see what the Decode Tells us …
Something I would like to cover first, as it has come up before and worth repeating.
September 17th is one of the few dates highlighted by Q. It is Listed in a couple Q-Drops as …
… SEPT —–17—–
Where it is referenced, again, is in the Timestamp 4:55 Clue. In Q-Drop 455 we have the following statement …
… Timestamps have meaning.
The Timestamp in this part of the Q-Drop is …
Recall there are Two Markers we have discussed several times. These markers are found in Q-Drop 3232, which we find Two Watches (Clocks). The Times on these Watches are …
4:49:30 w/Date 19
3:05:30 w/Date 27
The 4:49 —> 4+4+9 = 17. Matching the Clues given, being …
… Sep 17th (See earlier decodes for more detail)
A couple notes here as we will see reference again …
3:05 —> 305th Day of the Year —> Nov 1st.
… Recall the Watch has 4:49:30, but the Q-Drop Timestamp has 4:49:11, which gives us a difference of …
… 19 seconds. Remember the number 19 will come up again.
Another Indicator that Events being played out are important was the reference to another Q-Drop in recent decades.
Q-Drop 4686
SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
It does not get more blatant than this. Q is specifically referencing the current Time Period and as noted above we can see the escalation of events all around us.
All of this should give us hope that events are about to play out!
Let us see what else we can find …
I am not going to re-list the entire content of Q-Drops from the beginning of the Decode, just the highlights.
Q-Drop 854 gives us the following …
… Stage Set
… HRC (Raw Video)
… 5:5
… [Liberal Undo]
… [Impossible to defend]
… [Toxic to those connected]
… [end]
This is in reference to images and video of HRC and Huma performing a hideous act of crimes against a child. However, overall, it is a reference to the Satanic Rituals of Child Sacrifice and the Sick & Evil people who take part in them, and the Stage has been set to expose these and other crimes
And that these Acts will be presented Loud & Clearly. They will be Explicit to all who see them. It will be the Undoing of [Liberals] as their entire philosophy and marching orders come from these people. Once they realize who/what these people truly are, and what they have done …
… it will be their [Undoing].
… therefore, Q has told us, they will not be able to walk the streets once all is known
Next, we have a post of a Child being forced to wear a mask. It is terribly sad that children, those who are least affected by this virus are being forced to wear masks that we know compromises the Immune system, and has effectively zero capability of preventing the spread of any virus
What this is telling us, the forcing of the mask on this child is a metaphor. By those who prey on children.
The other Clue, an only piece of text in the post …
The Gematria Value for this is 206 which gives us an interesting set of statements in Q-Drop 206 …
… Cannot wait for the green light
… Teams on standby
… Q
Next, we have a set of clues that in part is found across most of the posts in this Decode.
We have Video Lengths: 24s, 1:19, and threes all of which leads to the same Q-Drop. Q-Drop 541
Here we find …
What [19] people are currently meeting in a ‘safe’ room [heavily guarded]?
… a reference to those who met after the 2016 election to bring down President Trump and their plans (Russia Collusion, Impeachment is, etc.)
Then we have a Reference to [AS] (Adam Shifty), and [X] JAILED
Recall the 1:19 video Length. Well, it by itself matches [AS] …
… A = 1st character in alphabet
… S = 19th character in alphabet
And we know about the Standard Hotel!
Next, we have the [X] JAILED
… X = 24 character in the alphabet
Do you see the references?
This Q-Drop is telling us there was a Conspiracy to Bring down the Duly Elected President of the United States …
… Donald J Trump
It began the night of the Election. They plotted in Secret to take out the then President-Elect, and they have worked non-stop to carry it out. Which Most Likely included the …
… Fraudulent 2020 Election
Next, we have Two Posts by President Trump …
The Post with the America Flag Flying as we all Know, Is the United States of America, which stands for …
… Freedom, and Justice
President Trump is Telling us …
… FREEDOM and JUSTICE is on the Way!!!
There are a couple other references here …
… Q-Drop 901 supplies references to BHO, and I love the Two depictions.
One has President Trump up in BHO’s face with the caption …
… “When I’m Done, It’ll Be Like You We’re Never Even Here”
The Second …
An Image of the “Punisher” (Pain)
With that there is another Q-Drop referenced. Q-Drop 4757 and here we find …
… Image of Durham
Two Captions …
… Let the Truth be Told
… It is the Only way
The Message …
The Stage is Set, as we see the signs all around us.
Those who committed Treason, and Crimes Against Humanity will be Exposed. The Evidence will shine the light of Truth, and it will be Loud and Clear.
It will be Impossible to defend, and all those associated with these Traitors and Criminals will be brought down with them.
Well, there is one more thing.
This morning as I was finishing this Decode, removing quite a bit I looked at President Trump’s most recent posts.
One of them had a Timestamp of 8:56 which is a reference to the exact Q-Drop removed from this Decode, which also came up about a week ago. I decided to put it back in …
Q-Drop 856 11-11-18
A parade that will never be forgotten.
Ask yourself, why?
God bless our brave men & women in uniform.
We will never forget.
What about the statement …
… 11-11-18, also written as 11.11.18?
We have seen this come up in the past, but what does it really mean?
Let us look at its parts …
… 11.11 is a reference to November 11 — Veterans Day
… it is also a Reference to Military Law as it applies to War and Occupying a Territory (e.g., Washington D.C.)
Well, here’s a couple other interesting tidbits …
… the year of the associated Q-Drop is 2018, thus the reason for — 11.11.18
Did you know …
… Nov 11 is the 315 Day of the Year
A matching Q-Drop w/3:15 Timestamp
God FOREVER bless our brave men & women who would give their life to defend this GREAT country.
God bless each Patriot in the world.
… is the 45th week of the year
Well, I do not need to explain this …
… But does it Represent the Return of forty-five?!
America and the World Will be United!!!
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Recall the above statement in Q-Drop 206
Cannot wait for the green light.
Teams on standby.
Well, Q-Drop 1038 gave us the answer …
BOOMs in route.
GREEN = GO = It is on!
NG Now Active
The Initial Wave Will be Fast and Meaningful. It will Send a Signal to Others at once and You will See the Tide Turn (Not Even the MSM Can Hide, and Rest Assured Some Will be Jailed as Deep Cover Agents)
Pray for those in Harm’s Way
Justice is Coming!
Nothing can stop what is coming!!!

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