2021 SEP 22 Aussie Tradie Michael shares how he was shot by Paramilitary pseudo–Police Force STASI

3 years ago

Shot in the Back by Paramilitary pseudo–Police Force which reveals this equipment is being used as a weapon of attack not defence
Militarization of Police Means Australian Protesters Face Weapons Designed for War


This nation stands on these five pillars:
1 Common Law
2 Australian Constitution
3 Human Rights Charter
4 Nuremberg Code
5 War Crimes ACT 4th generation

We agree with Former Australian Army Special Forces Lt. Col. Riccardo Bosi, now the Leader of the (AUSTRALIA ONE PARTY) who has recently made two significant public statements regarding what’s taking place in Australia.

PERSONALLY, AS THE EDITOR OF 4CMINEWS GROUP it is my opinion that the current actions of Government Federal and State to operate outside of these 5 core pillars (1) Common Law; (2) Australian Constitution; (3) Human Rights Charter; (4) Nuremberg Code and (5) War Crimes ACT 4th generation; are gross criminal violations and are Treasonous and seditious to its core. All the actions on citizens flowing from any violations are “CRIMES TO HUMANITY”, which must be addressed immediately, this should not be tolerated for one millisecond!

Any person who holds a position of influence and power within Australia that fails to speak out and resist and do all that’s within their powers to holt such actions is and makes themselves complicit to Treason and “CRIMES TO HUMANITY” by failure to act when you are in a place and position of Power Act; to sound the Alarm and speak out against said actions or actually bring things to a holt.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/25992

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