Why does covid always rebound? Because of dimwits like this

3 years ago

Windsor hospital President and CEO David Musyj unwittingly describes the problem with the Canadian hospital system in this zoom conference video recorded sometime in late September 2021. In this video, he introduces his staff to his vision of mandatory covid19 vaccination.

I don't want you to focus on the fact that Musyj wears no tie and is otherwise dressed like an undertaker, nor his questionable taste in wall hangings. Spider-man, really? I don't even want to have you notice that his body type mirrors that of fat and happy Premier of Ontario Doug Ford.

And please don't focus too much on his two gross non sequiturs in under 60 seconds of speech, although that might be a clue to the merit with which he obtained his position.

It is almost unfathomable that this video was released onto the international news feed of the CBC. Senior bureaucrats tend to be protected from public scrutiny.

Musyj says: "We can't lead by example if our own staff is not double-vaccinated. None of us on this call are gonna have another conversation with a family and tell them that we didn't do everything we could've to prevent their family member who might be coming to this hospital for issues unrelated to covid from contracting covid while they're here. That's not to say it won't happen. But by having unvaccinated individuals in the facility as staff taking care of them or being involved in their care... that risk is too high."

Remark that Musyj admits that iatrogenic contraction of covid19 is a reality. It probably dominates the statistics but this data is secreted by government from public scrutiny. Because this data is unavailable to the public, we are led to believe (from authority) that "vaccines plus public health measures are the proven way through this pandemic." (0:11-0:18). The government line of the Province of Ontario is clear: Everyone in government is singing the same tune. Undoubtedly, other hospital CEOs across the province were this week to announce the same measures.

These events are unfortunate. Because of groupthink, a siege mentality, and unintelligent leadership (in the Premier, his office surrounds, his Cabinet, his Minister of Health, that Ministry, the OHIP single-payer system, the CMO and his office, plus the various hospital CEOs) we have progressed to the point at which hospital staff (if not eventually all OHIP-funded employees) must be vaccinated. This mandate exists in order to maintain ideological purity. It will do little to halt the spread of the disease. Their employers, here announced by Musyj, can use the full force of the law to eject them from the single-payer healthcare system that has grown over the past 50 years into a powerful behemoth able to wield the power of economic life over these individuals.

We now have been aware of this pandemic since the end of January 2020. That is 20 months of uniform ideology, during which the only thing to have been proven is the inability of the system-as-conceived to cope with the problem. When will the public tire of this charade?

The public segregates itself instead of the healthcare system.

How unfortunate it is that the public prolongs its agony instead of fixing the problem with a subsystem of sanatoria for pandemic respiratory diseases.

This sanatorium subsystem might have been initiated in any one of the past 20 months. For example, in summer of 2020. How different history would have looked if only we were able to have a reasoned conversation and debate. But no! The groupthink in Canadian government was uniformly to squelch and silence debate. We should have been reminded during this election to the 44th Canadian Parliament (but weren't due to an incredibly feeble opposition) that the Parliament was abeyant for most of 2020. No complaints on this subject were heard in Canadian media over the past six weeks.

The purpose of Parliament is to grant a subset of the body politic (two hundred individual members) the freedom to debate the most pressing issues of the day. The Canadian population were unable to rise to the occasion due to the leadership of Justin Trudeau. The Ontario population chose, egged on by their Premier, to squelch the handful of individuals (Karahalios, Nicholls, Baber) that mattered, while the other parties cowered.

Every seed of dissent has been swept from the soil.

Censorship maintains even now its stranglehold on the body.

This video is the evidence, staring at you in the face.

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