Haitian Illegals Sent INTO the United States | Articles of Impeachment Against Biden Filed

3 years ago

Imagine everyone's shock to find out that the Far-Left Dem's (The Squad, Julian Castro and the Media) bought the idiotic take that Border Patrol was 'whipping' those poor Haitian Immigrants. Could you imagine them being that stupid?

The 'migrant' camps meanwhile, as populations fluctuate between 12,000 and 18,000, can only be described as absolute shit holes. But lucky for them, Biden is bringing in and keeping more than he is throwing out.

Representative Ilhan Omar, a former refugee herself, not to America, because that's a racist country, she says that the US "owes" the Haitians asylum, because reading maps and understanding policy is too hard for a lawmaker.

Maybe some of the money she lobbied to take away from Israel's Iron Dome can go to Illegal Aliens.

Representative Bob Gibbs filed 3 Articles of Impeachment against Biden. Ranging from Afghanistan to the Southern Border and wrapping up with usurping the Supreme Court's authority. It won't work, the votes aren't there, but the spirit sure is.

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/border-patrol-official-says-white-house-is-perpetuating-false-narrative-amid-reports-of-haitian-migrants-being-whipped_4009946.html
The New York Post: https://nypost.com/2021/09/22/migrant-camp-at-del-rio-texas-bridge-shows-misery-squalor/
Breitbart 1: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2021/09/22/biden-admin-releasing-haitian-migrants-into-usa-despite-promise-to-remove-them/
B2: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/09/20/omar-we-owe-haitians-asylum-obviously-systemic-racism-at-play/
B3: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/21/far-left-democrats-force-funds-for-israels-iron-dome-out-of-funding-bill/
B4: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/22/house-republicans-deliver-three-articles-of-impeachment-against-joe-biden/

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#IllegalAliens #DelRio #Impeachment

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