Planting a big wild wet one on the third rail!

3 years ago

Abortion. Ya know it, ya love it or hate it. Is it perhaps a necessary evil to prove mankind's free will on Earth? (If you believe in free will of course)
Texas Heartbeat bill is revving up even more political and societal division in a time when America probably needs marriage counselling. (And a good head shrink) What do we need to do about this whole kerfuffle? Should we be in the streets shouting? Telling people nowhere near us how THEY need to live? Telling rape victims and women who could die in Childbirth to suck it? Calm down. Let's talk.

For Home Work:

You REALLY need to learn more about abortion and those on both sides. Learn about Margaret Sanger and how she felt about it. And then take a deep breath and release it slowly and let's talk.

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