"Rapture in the wings. Rapture in the wind." Word/Vision 7/22/20 before next trip to state capitals

3 years ago

This Word from the Holy Spirit contains many encouraging words for the Saints. The Rapture portion of this Word is at minute 5:30. In it, HE said, "Rapture in the wings. Rapture in the wind." The vision during the Word last night was of labor pains producing a child (His Bride) which JESUS our SAVIOR received with open arms. In the vision, the umbilical cord was still attached: interesting. A Brownsville intercessor friend said that she heard the breathing manifestation I was having. She thought it sounded like Lamaze (natural childbirth) breathing. This vision made us think of Matt 24, "beginning of birth pains." These signs are intensifying rapidly today as birth pains intensify just before birth. Jesus said these signs would happen before the end of this Age.

Matthew 25:10 reminds us, "...those that were PREPARED went in with HIM TO THE WEDDING FEAST!" We need to be walking in HIS WAY & FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. I (Carol) have loved Jesus, and clung to His robe, since I was a young child. Although my family was far from God, I was raised in the church. I had NEVER been taught about how to stand against the devil; this is a big problem in the church today. BUT the ONE solid Rock I had to cling to was Yeshua! I was not reborn until 1979 but I was still under demonic and worldly influence for several more years. Truly, I was looking for the Rapture at that time. I had a vision of the RAPTURE taking place but there was a net of wires in the sky above me that prevented me from rising to meet the Lord. The wires represented my sin. That was a wake-up call! From that time on, I pressed in on learning about demonic influence. After I married Doug in 1991, we started a deliverance and salvation ministry where we would go to a state-run detox center and a halfway house. It was on our hearts to have people understand that there is more to being set free than just saying no. Here is a link to a PDF of the teaching workbook called "The Art of Defeating the Enemy - Demonology 101" that we used in the detox center: https://defeatingtheenemy.org/Demonology-101.pdf . We have seen this help many people. You are welcome to share it.

We listened to this again this morning and were struck by the words of the Holy Spirit: "REBIRTH, REBIRTH, birth of My Bride. Birth pangs produce birth. Birth, birth of My Bride in fulness. What do birth pangs produce? Birth. My Bride birthing in fulness." It suddenly became clear to us. We remembered Romans 8:19-23 about how all of creation and believers are "travailing" and "groaning" for the redemption of our bodies. We have already been born again. What is left to mean a REbirth? There is only one possible meaning. Resurrection! Rapture! When we first posted this yesterday, we thought it might mean a maturing process to make us ready for His coming but birth is not a process; it is an EVENT. That event will complete our redemption and make us truly spotless for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-8). I'm sure that WATER breaking just before birth has a significance as well. Eph 5:26-27 says, "…so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word." Maybe this birthing vision also represents a mother's water breaking at birth. Was that an indication of that baby being washed with the Holy Spirit's "water of the Word?" Therefore, He received the Church (Bride) without spot or wrinkle or blemish.

We have heard for many years, "BE SOUL FOCUSED!!" That is a challenge. It is easy to get distracted by today's horrific events. We are well aware of what is happening; that is part of His sending us to the Nation's Capitals. The other part is to, in His Words, "bring down the schemes of the devil" which allows eyes to be opened. HE DIED FOR ALL MANKIND. HE LOVES ALL MANKIND AND INTERCEDES DAILY FOR ALL MANKIND.

Through prayer, God may reveal other interpretations of this to you, dear Saint. The video is of our creek. He gives us many "woods treasures" as we walk in the garden with Him.

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