BLIMPS ON THE BELFRY -Balloon travel is how they mapped earth

3 years ago

Most people can see but are mind-blind - Once U see this video U can't un-see it.
Learn how to decalcify your 3rd pineal god gland & body. Industrial fluoride waste will turn you into a walking depressed clueless zombie. Drink 100% pure distilled water 0 parts per million (PPM) Buy yourselves a TDS meter to test your water along with a distillery machine for your kitchen counter. -- Don't drink that witches brew called city fluoridated water... Most bottle water is just filtered fluoridates water, we can't filter fluoride out of water because fluoride & water molecules are about the same size, it has to be distilled out. - Did U Know Rain water is distilled water with H202, but now it's all poisoned with fluoridated chemtrails and industrial chemicals.

Learn how to decalcify your third eye pineal god gland & body, fasting is one way, there are many ways. The Pineal gland is the seat of our soul, it looks like a small pinecone under a microscope... Thus the term PINE-al

WheRe's the bEst place to hiDe soMething? in plain sight
Google Image search this and see what pops up? (Vatican Pinecone)

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