Biden is a WEAK President and the Country is feeling it | Schaftlein Report

3 years ago

Biden is a WEAK President and the Country is feeling it | Schaftlein Report
Guest: John O'Connor - Legal Analyst ( ) and Author ( )
1) Border Crisis Update - Migrants are being bussed into the interior of the country and dropped off - No accountability
*Government trying to hide the picture of the scene where 12K Haitians are crowded under a highway at the border
2) Remain in Mexico policy under Trump and ordered by Federal judge being ignored by Biden administration
3) White House Chaos - Biden is shielded from taking questions in the oval office while Boris Johnson answers from British press
*Media is starting to complain - finally
4) Biden approval hit new low of 43% in Gallup poll
5) Republicans offer short term funding resolution to resolve debt ceiling issue as short term fix - Democrats battle each other over massive spending bills
*Biden meets with Schumer and Pelosi om roadblocks
6) Durham Indictment of Michael Sussman - John provides in-depth analysis

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