Biden’s NWO Agenda

3 years ago

Joe Biden has been an advocate of the New World Order for decades. He wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal in 1992 titled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order”. He also published a booklet of his three speeches to the Senate called, “On the Threshold of the New World Order”.

Find out why Biden wants more treaties that would give the United Nations more power over the U.S. Treaties such as Agenda 2030, Great Reset, NATO, and an expanded Security Council.

Learn what President Biden’s plan to “Build Back Better” really means. Join Arthur R. Thompson in this Episode of Activate America

Action Items:

Read Arthur R. Thompson’s books:

“To the Victors Go the Myths and Monuments”

“In the Shadows of the Deep State”

Read about “The Great Reset” in The New American magazine.

Read Joe Biden’s speeches about the New World Order to the Senate from the 1992 Congressional record.
June 29 (pages 16591-16595)
June 30 (pages 16901-16907)
July 1 (pages 17467-17473)

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society.

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