9-22-21 New Study Shows 1 in 1000 Develop Heart Inflammation After Covid Vaccination

3 years ago

New Study Shows 1 in 1000 Develop Heart Inflammation After Covid Vaccination; Myocarditis and Other Related Heart Conditions Have Increased Death Rate Within 5 Years
By Julian Conradson
A shocking new study that was conducted by researchers at Canada’s University of Ottawa Heart Institute found that one out of every thousand(1/1000) mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations causes heart inflammation(myopericarditis) to develop rapidly in otherwise healthy individuals.

Mesa County, CO Clerk Submits New Report Claiming Massive Amount of Election Data Was “Deleted” and “Destroyed” By Democrat SOS’s Office and Dominion Vendor
On August 11, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell stunned attendees and viewers at his 3-day Cyber Symposium with a surprise appearance by Mesa County, CO City Clerk Tina Peters. Ms. Peters appeared with Colorado resident and US veteran Sean Smith, who told the audience that the “lawless” Democrat Secretary of State Jena Griswold is “drunk with power” and explained that she won’t hold open hearings to discuss elections in their state.

Wrong Again… Ilhan Omar to Illegal Aliens: “You Exemplify the Very Best of Our Country and You Belong Here” (VIDEO)
A recent report alleged DNA testing confirms Ilhan Omar was married to her biological brother Ahmed Elmi.
The two were allegedly married to bypass immigration laws. Omar has never been indicted for this immigration crime. The felony makes her ineligible to be a US citizen let alone a lawmaker.

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