9-22-21 They’ve Found Physical Evidence For One Of The Most Infamous Biblical Stories And Much More

3 years ago

Scientists Believe They’ve Found Physical Evidence For One Of The Most Infamous Biblical Stories
Scientists believe they have found physical evidence that an exploding space rock could have inspired one of the most infamous stories in the Bible, archaeologist Christopher R. Moore wrote, Yahoo News reported.

Bill Gates on ‘Lesson’ Learned from Jeffrey Epstein Mistake: ‘Well He’s Dead’
Wednesday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” billionaire Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said “he’s dead” when asked about what lesson he learned from his previously admitted “mistake” of meeting with now-deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Anchor Judy Woodruff said, “You had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, who — when you met him 10 years ago — he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors. What did you know about him when you were meeting with him, as you’ve said yourself, in the hopes of raising money?”

White House Aides Shout Down US Press Corps When British PM Suggests Taking Questions At Biden Meeting
White House aides shouted down American pool reporters who attempted to ask President Joe Biden about the crisis at the southern border, multiple videos of the Tuesday event show.
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