The Abundant Life - Welcome to Our Rumble Channel!

3 years ago

Hello everyone! We are Charles and Angela Todd, hosts of The Abundant Life, a podcast where we share supernatural secrets of how we prospered by applying the word of God to our finances and health. Our goal is to pray for people and share their personal experiences regarding money to help others apply simple, practical applications, tools, and mentor resources to prosper them spiritually, physically, and financially.

In addition, we teach on finances and health from the bible, revelation of the word, personal experiences, and offers additional resources through podcasts, videos, classroom and preaching engagements.

Visit to learn more about us and our non profit organization, Todd Worldwide Ministries, which focuses on mentoring and supporting others spiritually, physically, and financially. Additionally, TWWM provides special events, missions through sports, homes for the homeless, care for orphans, and startup business tools to eradicate poverty.

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