David McDonald Powerful Prophetic Anointing on Breath of Heaven with Janine Horak

3 years ago

Apostle and Prophet David McDonald testifies and gives POWERFUL PROPHETIC WORD!


0:00 Welcome to Breath of Heaven— Holy Spirit Ministry
1:27 Introducing David McDonald
2:22 Apostles and Prophets
4:45 Radical Encounter, Supernatural Conversion out of Neo-Nazi Political Organization
8:12 Beginnings of Operating in the Prophetic
9:50 Prophecy and Jesus
13:01 Born with a God-consciousness
13:25 Genesis Mandate
15:05 You have a Purpose and Destiny
16:20 How do I get a, “prophetic word“?
18:05 Prophetic School
21:25 Woman at the Well
24:34 Great Assignments
26:00 Barren No More!
29:00 Bone cancer and prostate cancer healed!
30:00 Jacob Peason of Productivity and Pregnancy Decree
31:22 Apostolic and Prophetic Gifting/Anointing
35:00 FROM VICTORY, Downloads from Heaven
36:00 Turn off the, “False Prophet Media!“
37:00 Believe the Prophets—No Apologies!
39:00 God is not subject to our timeline.
40:20 The Anvil of My Righteousness is coming down!
43:12 A Sonship Revolution and the Year of the Women
46:20 Spoils/Reward
49:35 A Spirit of Resurrection
50:50 Ezekiel Mandate
52:10 Prayer to Know God
55:00 Breath of Heaven Blessing

David and Dee McDonald have dedicated their lives to build networks for the Kingdom. David has traveled to over 40 nations, teaching and training church leaders. David McDonald Ministries International has founded an apostolic school and is part of the North Charleston Apostolic Center.

DMMI’s vision is to teach on the prophetic using prophetic schools. David and his team travel to nations teaching and holding conference meetings and ministering to the body of Christ around the world.



#JanineHorak #BreathOfHeaven #DavidMcDonald #Prophet #Apostle

Social Media:
Telegram: @janinehorak

YouTube: Janine Horak


Instagram: @janinehorak
Twitch: @janinehorak

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