A Sincerely Held Faith Belief: Good Times & the Novel Coronavirus of Cabrini Green

3 years ago


Jacobson v. Massachusetts began, with two dissenting, stating only a history of vaccinations, indicative of a division, regarding the impact and meaning of that decision involving the police power and public health in 1905, but by 1927, Justice Brandeis had already, in Miltonian spirit of perverting good to work evil, perverted the expressed objections of Justice Harlan, extending its reach to a mandate for sterilization of "the feeble minded" and epileptics, which, when affecting the frontal lobe, often presents in the form of Geschwind syndrome, a disorder marked by hyperreligiosity, associated often with demonic possession, and, today, finds promoters of "socialism", ignoring the expressed words of Harlan who stated that the decision did not imply nor impute a declaration that all vaccines were, per se, good or effective.

In 1961, it was an atheist seeking only a commission as a notary public in the State of Maryland, who prompted the High Court to strike down the administering of religious tests, but, in Arkansas, at the Conway Regional Health System, despite the warnings of the Court regarding the history of such oaths of allegiance to follow the warnings of Lord Acton with regard to absolute power corrupting absolutely, promoting exactly the opposite of that which had been argued by the atheist to obtain a tolerance for all who believed or chose not to believe in a deity.

In 1971, it was the arguments brought by the fighter, known to the Courts as Cassius Clay, refusing to acknowledge the name he had selected through his Islamic faith, that first raised to prominence, a religious test of sincerity, that defendants in Farid v. Smith, in 1988, discovered might be able to be presented in a motion for summary judgment, avoiding the acceptance of all allegations as true in a motion to dismiss, a decision solidified in Cardew v. New York State Dept. of Corrections.

And, in 1959, beginning with an appellant who had had his personnel security clearance revoked because of his associations with communists, found Chief Justice Warren ushering in an idea that his employment as a contractor might be subject to due process considerations, a concept perfected and extended to all entitlements, such as welfare payments, recognized not as a gift of charity, but a property-like right, affording a right to due process in its infringement, now, determined to be denied for those who voluntarily elect, even on reason of religious faith, to delay or refuse to exercise full enjoyment by acceptance of what is essentially a government entitlement.

Beware Greeks bearing gifts, says the old adage, and there is a Soros financed campaign that got that.

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