Kim Iversen's Chicken-Little Misrepresenting Vaccine Data Once Again

3 years ago

The junior-grade Idaho lunatic fringer is once again screeching about Israel's vaccine canary in the covid mine, using her tried-and-true distortion tactics. I compare that to a more serious and sober review of the same data. Why is she doing this? The video has over 280k views - she has 302k subscribers (which is up) and this video has multiple times the number of views of any other she's done in the last few months. This is money, from a monetized and misleading video about vaccine effecacy - and she complains about Youtube censorship re covid/vaccine "truth", while actually providing evidence of why they may be doing that. If even someone who is at the very mild end of the anti-vaxx narrative has to distort the data like this to make her case, what does that say?

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