Gail Golec Confronts MCBoS Chucri Regarding AZ Audit. Here's What He Said

3 years ago

I have been working for fair and free elections and this audit since day one and I am still working on it today. Here is my exchange with MCBoS Steve Chucri on 11/22/2020. I was a little fired up!

This is what I wrote on my Facebook Page that day:

If you haven’t noticed, political correctness is not one of my strengths. Passion and fiery for America and Our Freedom sure are.

I saw on a live feed from Sophia Zuri that Maricopa County Supervisors Steve Chucri was at Republican meeting in Fountain Hills and I hurriedly got dressed and drove over there.

The meeting had ended but Steve was still in the room. I give him credit for staying to answer all questions.
Just when he thought he was done I arrived like a storm.
I had a few words with him and I was getting more frustrated by the minute. Then I said I am going to record this and he was ok with that.
He went on to share with me how it was illegal for him to order an audit. He gave some excuse that I was not aware of. I am still unable to verify what he said is true.

I have the statute posted here. Read it. It says nothing of the sort of which he is claiming.

He would not indicate what court case he was referring to when he asked the question about why a case was dismissed. I know that the first one has to do with sharpiegate. The second about precincts.
His excuse is there is not enough evidence which infuriates me.
I was so annoyed by his blatant ability to push this off as if he has no responsibility for this.
I made sure he knew that we all hold him accountable for this including calling him a traitor. I actually can’t believe I said that to his face.

We talked about it again later. He understood where I was coming from and said I had the right to say and feel that way but he did not agree with that portrayal of himself.

I did later today look at the statute and I call BS. I emailed and asked him to provide the statute he was referring too since the one I know of is pursuant to the letter from Biggs, Gosar and Schweikert.

Perhaps I am not aware of others that describe what he is alleging here. Perhaps it’s BS. I don’t know.

I am looking forward to my time with the attorneys.
II can only imagine President Trump has great attorneys. However I also have been a victim of bad attorneys too.

We are all in this together. This is Our fight to win for the sake of this country and all that come after us.

This is the war of our generation. It may not be with guns but this battle is real and we must win.

If anything I can do to bring to the attorneys attention things they do not know I will.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to speak with them. Let’s see if Steve Chucri keeps his word.

We did have a more pleasant less emotional conversation once the camera was down and after I knew I was going to speak to the attorneys.

I was able to share much more information. And concerns. We spoke a good 15 minute or so more.

We spoke more about the variety of fraud I Know about.
I shared how easy it is to get date and time stamps from the Dominion servers.

I shared Constitutionally is superior to unlawful statutes.
I demanded again we get an audit.

He did tell me that he received 1000s of emails. So keep those emails coming. We need to not let up on this.

He appears to be getting advice from other RINOS too. Supposedly other RINOS in the legislature were pressuring him to certify. He would not give names. I asked.

Yes it’s true he is thinking about running for another office. I shared with him he didn’t have a chance. He seems to still believe my opinion is the minority and people want him to certify and he is doing the right thing. How could that be? I truly believe he does not realize what is going on at the grassroots level.

Yet he also admitted to not having time to go through all the emails. He does not know what he does not know.

Your emails are of public record weather he reads them or not. They are “Discoverable” in the court of Law.

Keep those calls and Emails coming. We must not stand down to this tyranny. There is power in numbers

Personally, I think he is getting bad advice and taking it which can happen to the best of us. But I can’t be sure.

This I know.
Not this time. Not on our watch.
We will not let this election be stolen from US.

Ever legal ballot should count. Every illegal ballot should be thrown out.

We the People Demand an Audit

God bless and protect America.
Let Freedom Ring.

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