American Civil War | Domestic Terrorism | Vaccination

3 years ago

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In this video we review the threats made President Joe Biden against the 80+ Unvaccinated Americans.
Specifically, President Joe Biden claims unvaccinated Americans will somehow or another infect Vaccinated Americans. Declaring the Pandemoniac is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated…

As opposed to a Pandemic caused by a Level 4 Weapons Lab Wuhan China, funded in part by both the Chinese Government and Dr Fauci threw the NHI(National Health Institutes)
On one Biden claims the Vaccine will prevent infection, but on the other hand in the same breath claims the Vaccine will not prevent infection because of the Americans who choose not to be Vaccinated for whatever reason.

We also know mass vaccination is likely to create super variants of the virus just as the over use of antibiotics creates anti-biotic resistance strains of bacteria. Therefore, forcing everyone to be vaccinated with mRNA which is not a vaccine but Gene Therapy, will create 1000’s of variation of the corna virus which will spread from the vaccinated to everyone with new strains of the Virus. This is why the flu shot never works, because there are 1000’s of variations or mutations created every year, and the strain of the virus will not necessarily prevent infection from the other strains.

We also know that you can spread a virus threw vaccine, where there was no virus… This is called vaccine durived infections. Meaning you can actually make a population of people sick with polio, or influeniza where there was no polio or influeniza. Apparently in India and Africa, the Bill Gates Foundation spreed polio by giving contaminated ineffective polio vaccines. This type of information about vaccine durived infection regarding the Bill Gates Foundation is often scrumbed from search results, or flagged as debunked or fake news on social networks, but that did not stop the Indian Government from banning the Gates foundation and other NGO’s from operating in their borders for spreading polio and sterilization via vaccines.

Here is the Gates foundation version of events on the subject of polio in India,

Here’s the fake fack check,

Bug people like Vandana Shiva has been talking about the trouble Bill Gates Foundation has caused in Inida on many fronts.

Joe Biden also claims Republican Governor’s are to blame for anti-vaxers or Vaccine Hesitancy, by making the Covid-19 Vaccine a Political weapons, even though both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spread anti-vaccine rumors, and conspiracy theory’s when President Trump was in office pushing the vaccines threw the FDA via Operation Warp Speed.

Both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are guilty of spreading miss information when it was politically convenient to attack Trump, but now are trying to force all Americans not only to be Vaccinated, but give up their liberties for a Vaccine Passport, and to include the Vaccine, plus booster shots and twice daily pills in order to Fly, Travel between States, attend school, or work, with an illegal and unconstitutional mandates.

We also see Joe Biden try to correlate January 6th event with Anti Vax, and Trumps Supporters aka MAGA. Joe Biden is threatening legal and military force against Trump supporters by equating Republicans with the Taliban Terrorist by calling all republicans White Supremacist, including sitting members of congress and the Sentate, and Republican Governor’s.

We clearly see Democrats coupled with the Liberal media threaten Americans. We can not allow vaccine passports because they this is not to protect Americans Health but to track and control Americans, and punish them for disobeying the Liberal Dictates. This is unconstitutional, and Anti-American.

We also know Joe Biden was not elected but installed by the Deep state who cooperated with the Globalist to create the new world Order, hence the election fraud, mailing balots, and Hollywood movies that brag about rigging the elections.

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We see Democrats, Liberals and Progressives and many RINO Republicans(Republican in Name Only) and NEO Cons(Neo Conservatives) are acting as a UNI Party, who appear to be part of some Global New World Order, and are therefore are domestic traitors committing Treason by sabotaging American Boarders, abandoning our Americans and American Allies in Afghanistan, giving Territory to China’s Belt and Road initiative, while taking down the Key Stone Pipeline would help American remain energy independent of the Middle East and Globally. And waving sanctions against Russian Oil & Gas pipeline. Thereby enriching both China and Russia while weakening Americans. And finally, Biden rejoined the Paris Accords which will bind Americans hands, while enabling Russia and China to continue to pollute the atmosphere with CO2 with no punishment of Sanctions.

This appears to be designed to arrest the domestic American population in order to prevent patriotic Americans from forming Militias to fight against and reform or replace the Federal Government in the event the Federal Government fails or refuses to carry out their civic duties. We know the Federal Government has attack Militias from forming threw-out the 1980’s and 1990’s… This is nothing new.

In sum,

Those who trade their Freedom for Security deserve neighter. ~ Benjamin Franklin

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