The Biggest Lie Concerning the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

3 years ago

Who Are the Unvaccinated?

We have heard it is the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" by the President of the United States, media pundits, politicians, etc. However, who are the unvaccinated? Most assume they are the ones who have not received any covid vaccinations. Is this true?

According to the CDC, those who have received at least one shot of Moderna/Pfizer have 82% protection. However, you are still considered unvaccinated.

Those who are considered to be fully vaccinated received two injections of Moderna or Pfizer (or one dose of J&J), AND two weeks after that, you are considered fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated are “considered” to have 94% protection. If you have not completed this process, you are NOT fully vaccinated.

So why would the CDC consider a person who received one shot that provides 82% protection “unvaccinated?” Moreover, 75% of the public have received at least one shot, which means only 25% have not received any.

Of the 25% who have not received any injections, how many are naturally immune (previously infected with covid)? How many are likely to be hospitalized when we know most within this community are of a lower age bracket with a lower probability of hospitalization? And how many are just not infected?

Conservatively speaking, if 10% out of the 25% would be hospitalized, who have not received any doses, that would mean over 90% of all hospitalizations are occurring from those who are either fully vaccinated or received one dose.
What does this all mean? Take a listen and please share!

One-Dose of Pfizer and Moderna 82% effective. Two doses 94%.

Who Are the Unvaccinated and Vaccinated?

How Many Americans Have Received At Least One Shot?

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