COVID-19 Booster Vaxx - FDA Committee Hearing BOMBSHELLS

3 years ago

UPDATED! Several MOAB's Dropped Yesterday during FDA's Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Hearing regarding Biden Regime's Anticipated, Highly Controversial THIRD Round of Pfizer's mRNA Injections they've promoted for several weeks now, undermining FDA's Authority, Safety & Approval Protocols, ultimately resulting in an additional two more Senior FDA Officials walking away. I believe we're now up to either five or six whose left the FDA within six months is it?

Unfortunately, Millions of American Citizens have already subjected themselves to a Non-Approved Third Round or alleged 'Booster Jab' as misdirected by Biden's Lawless Regime. There will inevitably be several injuries and deaths resulting from the reckless decision and they must be held accountable for.

After seeing & hearing what went down in there yesterday I simply cannot fathom how in the hell, if having even the slightest resemblance of a conscience, moral or principle it could be possible, however the third round or so-called 'Booster Jab' was evidently 'approved' by the FDA Committee just yesterday evening for Senior Citizens or those with Immunodefencies.

This Video is News/FDA Hearing Information ONLY.

This is NOT Health Advice & Should NOT Be Interpreted As Such!

This Content Is Intended For Entertainment Purposes ONLY!

I DO NOT Certify Information Within This Video's Content is TRUE or FALSE!

Take this video with a grain of salt. Do not trust me, Fauci, Biden, TV Pundits, or any other self proclaimed so-called 'experts' preaching 'the science.

Please do your own research, very carefully, thoughtfully and meticulously before making any conclusions or putting anything at all into your own and especially your children's body's.

I DO NOT Condone, Advocate, Lobby or Promote Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Big Pharma, CDC, FDA or Biden Administrations
Direction, Products or Information and Hold ZERO Liability for any Communication provided by them.

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