9-21-21 Remdesivir and it’s Troubling Use Against COVID-19, Army Forcing Satanism On Troops With Jab

3 years ago

Remdesivir and it’s Troubling Use Against COVID-19
Much like other drugs under scrutiny in the fight against COVID-19, remdesivir has been in the spotlight recently. The drug, produced by Gilead, was the first FDA approved (under EUA) treatment for cases requiring hospitalization.
The drug was also endorsed by Anthony Fauci who cited the drug as the “standard of care” for patients, and stated it had, “clear-cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover.” Along with Fauci’s endorsement, the United States quickly stockpiled over 500,000 courses of treatment, thus securing Remdesivir’s place on the medical front lines.

Joe Biden is Avoiding the Media Again and Reporters Are Starting to Notice
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s most recent press conference was last Thursday, and while that was only a few days ago, a heckuva a lot has happened since then, like the massive southern border surge we saw in videos last week, CENTCOM’s acknowledgment that a U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan killed 10 innocent civilians including seven children, and the hostage situation in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Tucker Carlson Reveals PowerPoint From US Army Justifying Vax Mandates with a Slide That Lists 7 Tenets of Satanism (VIDEO)
Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday evening revealed a PowerPoint slide from the US Army used to justify Biden’s vaccine mandate by listing the 7 tenets of Satanism.
Joe Biden is purposely destroying the US military with his Covid vaccine mandate.
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