September 17th I was fired!!!

3 years ago

Self Defense is not just physical, it is mental and spiritual! God has put a word on my heart and a strong belief in my spirit. As Gods great love is about choices, we get to choose him or not. He has endowed us with certain unalienable rights as human beings and no other human has the right to convince you otherwise! Please stand in defense of yourself, this country, the freedoms that all humans should have! If you don’t know, pick up a Bible and let Gods word tell you cause he is our Creator and the Creator of all things even the law which man has twisted for evil in this time.

Please comment below if you are a believer and are struggling, it’s good to know we’re not alone and Jesus is the strength within each of us.

We have a 4 week class starting Monday October 4th-25th or you can book a private class. To checkout our class options go to:

#safety #selfdefense #nodefensetoselfdefense

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