Hundreds March Against Vaxx Mandates In Orlando, Supporting First Responders

3 years ago

Lake Eola, Orlando
Fire Fighters, Doctors, Community Leaders, Activists, and Honest Journalists take to the streets with other freedom loving Americans. They met at Lake Eola in Orlando and organized a March to City Hall. Other than one confrontation with a perverted photographer whose pics quickly surfaced on infamous Antifa twitters such as Hotstepper @getsthegoods, a pathetic antifa reprobate who insists on giving DataBattlesZ and Jacob Engels amazing publicity amongst the silly sapsucker communists. Hotstepper outrageously claimed that no one showed up to the rally in a feeble attempt for personal satisfaction. We hope you enjoy this video and join us for the next rally. Stay tuned. Like Subscribe Share

Worldwide Freedom Rally 4.0 Orlando
Justin Harvey
Jacob Engels
Lou Goby
Kevin Stillwater
Jeremy Liggett
Drake Wuertz
Dominick Faircloth

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