When Do Toddlers Drop A Nap? with Chantal Murphy - Baby Sleep Magic

3 years ago

Download The Baby Sleep Magic App: https://go.babysleepmagicapp.com/ourapp-yt

Most toddlers will show signs that they are ready to drop their nap between 2½ and 3 years of age. However, in the event your toddler is really resisting nap time I strongly suggest some Rest time, aka "Quiet time" 😉

Tell your toddler: "Were going to have quiet time, you don't have to have a sleep, but you do have to stay in your room quietly." 🤫

Here Are Some Tips To Help With This:

💜 To help get your toddler in their bedroom, aim for it to be fun..try a running race, or jumping competition or a piggy-back!

😁 Provide them with some quiet activities like books, puzzles etc

😍 Set clear and firm expectations with visual cues, so they know when quiet time will end. A #groclock is a great option!

For toddlers that skip nap time altogether but fall asleep in the late afternoon, I suggest allowing a "power nap" & waking them up after 15-20mins, otherwise you may have a child who won't be ready for bed until after 8pm.

There might be some pushback. That’s okay. BE CONSISTENT and they will adjust to this new part of their routine.

For older toddlers, an alternative option is to create a comfortable environment in the lounge room in the afternoon and pop on a TV program for 30-45mins, as this still counts as rest time!

Listen to more of The Baby Sleep Magic Podcast here:

Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/baby-sleep-magic/id1502363423

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7GiCLP5HufdDsVGlYNlt7p?si=6Xs4TOHvRsqZjaX-VTP0aA

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Website: https://go.babysleepmagicapp.com/ourapp-yt

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