Norwex 5-minute Raw Chicken Swab Test, Black Light Demo and disinfectant wipe comparison

3 years ago

Norwex Black Light and Raw Chicken Swab Test
Are you one of those people who like to "see it to believe it"? 😲🧐
Join Top Norwex Leader, Sonya, as she compares disinfectant/ sanitizing wipes to the Norwex EnviroCloth... on RAW CHICKEN! 🤯

You can purchase these products at

💥Norwex microfiber removes up to 99% of bacteria from the surface, using JUST WATER, when following the proper care and use instructions!! These demos help show the difference between MECHANICAL CLEANING and chemical cleaning methods. Norwex makes life SO. MUCH. EASIER. (And might we add... safer, too!)

Cleaning our homes with JUST WATER? Yes, please!
#Norwex #DetoxOurHomes #ReplaceChemicals #ActionTakersDifferenceMakers
#EnviroCloth #CleanEverything #NorwexMission

To learn more about how & why Norwex works, visit:

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