God is good all the time 315: Our look at the character of David

3 years ago

Dakota and I sat discussed his favorite character of all time from the Bible...David. He is liked for a great many reasons and you should join us as we talk about David and why we like him.

Also there are two other videos with the links below that we did while I was there: https://rumble.com/vmkkuc-church-of-the-millenial-kingdom-of-god-preparing-the-spotless-bride.html


Check those videos and you will see the entire series that we did on my visit to Dakota and his family.

And as usual Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to chat:

Find my previous videos on YouTube:


Check out my friend Dakota Orebaugh a fantastic young man of God and very insightful:


And the ministry that God has done through me: Time-Line Enterprises

or on Facebook: Time-Line Enterprises: https://www.facebook.com/tlelivinghistory

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