3 years ago

The secret private screening proving covid 19 is an event to stop flat earth from being spoken , being proven, from people flying, boating, trekking, crossing and raiding Antarctica was called in DETAIL long ago and time stamped by the man all 5 big techs smear and attack for 4.99 right now in the horrible hit piece that has been translated across the known world called "behind the ±Curve" he will show you how they orchestrated a pandemic in 2017 , in 2008 , jumping you back in time to jaw dropping moments as he battles all government the crown the Jesuit order far before a jesuit pope would become his Unholiest host of the UN during this awful usurpation by the serpent on the flag of medicine . WHO? That's who, the one who tricked you into the globe after you fell from the garden. A 25 hour public court case bible anthology film on what happened and what's next from Math powerland the man who broke flat earth more land in the 21st cewntury as a comedy routine that fired the first shot against the crown and all the snakes. Get your admission ticket by procuring 2 shirts that will surely attract your tribe on the street right NOW , send screen shots to and we will send you the entire film and what to do and how to stop this enemy NOW. 15 links sent to your privately via email.

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