It's Your Choice To Be 🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓

3 years ago


Freewill to choose is what you have in these times right now. You always have a choice so there is no excuses. The government is controlled by fallen angels and sometimes that truth is hard to swallow.

They want everything to cater to themselves they despise humanity and want to rape your pocketbook to put more money into theirs because they are greedy.. There controlled surveillance New World Order will be Worse then Communism.

What You Spend , What You Eat, Where You Sleep , What You Do, Tagged and Bagged chipped like a grocery item they scan at the market. But you have a choice to disconnect from it all and not become part of the Artificial Intelligence & Tranhumanism , Soylent food bound non human hybrid they are creating you to be with the Mark of the Beast 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉

Not only do you have chip, food, pasta, resources , wood, supplies, plastic, water shortages you have worker shortages that will get worse the more mandates that take place.

If you haven't caved in and took the mark of the beast out of fear of job loss , income, food, family and friends then I invite you to ask Jesus into your Life Today, Tomorrow and forever for Eternal Salvation.

With Jesus I Trust With Jesus I Stand

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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