History of Bukhara - (Mausoleum of Samanids)

3 years ago

History of Bukhara, Season 1, Episode 2 - (Canal Shahrud)
Filming Loction: Uzbekistan, Bukhara
Date: 25.05.2021 - 31.05.2021
Song: Derek Fiechter - Arabian Merchants
Camera: Huawei Y-5 2019, Open Cam
Tripod: Yunteng VCT-680RM
Microphone: Candy U-1
Video Editing Software: Movavi Video Suit, Adobe After Effect, Adobe Primer Pro
Information in this video taken from ru.wikipedia.org
If anyone wants to visit Bukhara, you may contact to me, I will be willing to help by providing a guide service, arrange a tour and try to provide a lodging for the night (for free). Shortly it is a kind of couchsearfing.
My instaram https://www.instagram.com/shirinov_shoxrux/
My cellphone, Whatsapp, Telegram +998907112522

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