Podcast #18 Me And Sonic Pranking Bee w/Roleplay P1/2 | Featuring Defeater Of Fish | #PrankGoneRight

3 years ago

Recorded at 2020-07-20. After more my first and second documentary videos popped out (and ofc the bash), Sonic came to talk to me about things with bee (waspgot) and asked me about playing with bee. I wanted to be done with all of it in the sense that my documentary would be the last nail in the coffin and I wanted to move on.

But after some discussing the idea popped I'm not sure now to who first, but it was about swapping "IDs" and pranking bee. Suggestions before were not in my line work and this one too, but I accepted this opportunity. I didn't expect anything like this to happen, that there would be private chats, I wanted to go on HR with Sonic and talk to be there, and that others would see instead of also interacting with us, which made it pretty challenging.

Though the thing is, there was even more that I didn't record, it happened in Sonic's server, Sonic wanted me to post nsfw stuff with an alt and to just go on full mayhem mode but I didn't want to be destructive. Rather after a while of poking bee I knew what I had to write and I posted a 4 paragraph moment of max symbols as the dot at the end of the last sentence of the drama.

So this video is just a celebration in that sense and no harm ofc was wanted at least from my side. Also consent to change IDs was given by both parties, Sonic even switched his ID# numbers to mimic my, rofl.

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Believe and think what you want. Everyone wants to be heard, though not everybody wants to listen. Here we listen to the people, doesn't matter where they come from or who they are, unless if they are fake.

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