Podcast #6 When An Idea Of Amusement Becomes More - An Unplanned Intervention

3 years ago

Boatmen Capture Shark After It Was Worn Down By A Fish:
This happened on 2020-07-01. The shark (Analogous Mortal) was out of control and going around trolling. So I decided to put YAY and fish (aka shark aka Analogous Mortal aka anal juice) to see what happens, because before that bee told me that YAY is very annoying and later I came to know that YAY is also bullying/trolling bee in games and spam calls him a lot too.

Bee was in the full knowledge of this and he was the one who made the group chat for all of us, I didn't ask. I just put the idea about "it would be interesting to see them interact together, coz they are similar in the way they talk". He agreed with me and then made it happen.

Why this happened? Well for amusement at first, though what happened after it became into a more of a serious confrontation and intervention. Fish was becoming unstable as frog, what we did was pretty spontaneous with the intervention. So YAY wore down fish and then me with bee confronted him about their actions. Which lead to a success after talking with fish more. He became more chill and not a spastic tard anymore. After this event everybody is in the full knowledge too.

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Believe and think what you want. Everyone wants to be heard, though not everybody wants to listen. Here we listen to the people, doesn't matter where they come from or who they are, unless if they are fake.

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