5+1 Crazy Magic Items

3 years ago

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Ring of Tentacle - +2 (10%) to grapple and doubles players reach. Lasts 1D6 rounds. There is a cumulative 1% chance per use of the effect becoming permanent.

Boots Of Lift - these boots will lift a hero up 1 to 24 inches on command. The effect will look natural and gives a +10% bonus to disguise.

Sun Stone - when held up to the eye the hero will be able to see the sun no matter the sky condition or if they are underground.

Pocket Boat - a small cloth disk that can be rolled up and stored in a pocket. When thrown out over water it will spin and turn into a small boat that can hold 3 people or 500lbs.

Hat Of Insanity - this strange looking hat will bestow upon it's wearer 1 random insanity. It can only be removed by magic.

Rosetta Stone - a small cylinder shaped stone that will read any text to it's user. They will hear the text in their head as though they were reading it themselves. It has 2D6 charges.

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