Who Is Cain?

3 years ago

Cain has become the center of many conspiracy theories of the Bible. The biggest probably being his origin. Where did Cain come from? Now, this may seem like an easy question to many people, but many believe that Cain's origins may have been a bit more interesting than just Adam and Eve. Many believe that Cain is the offspring of the Serpent and Eve. But is that true? Is Cain the son of the Serpent? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he investigates these claims of the Biblical origins of Cain in his video, Who Is Cain?

Verses Used:
Genesis 4:1–2
John 8:42–47
1 Corinthians 2:13–14
Genesis 7:22–23
Genesis 9:8–9
1 John 3:12
1 John 3:1–2
Matthew 13:36–39
1 Chronicles 2:55
Genesis 4:1–2a
Genesis 4:17
Genesis 4:25
Genesis 16:4

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/theology/too-deep/who-is-cain/

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