The Definitive JFK Exposé

3 years ago

JFK Sr. literally sacrificed his life for this nation. Why? Because after realizing the depth of enemy infiltration into America's government, he rightfully saw it as the only CARD he could play that had ANY possibility to one day end up in a WINNING HAND.

JFK spoke of a Peaceful Revolution in America's future. And when high-ranking Generals within our loyal Military Intelligence were able to galvanize support to move forward with a plan to save America, and thus the World, the Q Truth Movement was born. This Movement IS that Peaceful Revolution Kennedy dreamed of, and the Q Team's Plan IS that WINNING HAND.

Follow the trail of abundant evidence that still exists for those with eyes to see. The Definitive JKF Exposé provides a surprising yet entirely plausible explanation of what happened in Dealey Square on 11/22/1963.

NOTE: The idea that JFK was not assassinated on 11/22/1963 has zero empirical evidence to back it, and it succeeds in stealing the magnitude of what this True Hero did.

1) Please read Q703 and think about what it says.
2) Again, there is zero empirical evidence that JFK was not murdered that day. If there is some photo of an old man in a crowd that is believed to be him, UNLESS THAT MAN IS SURROUNDED BY Secret Service Agents, it is NOT HIM.

Kennedy Autopsy Altered

'The Called - Makings For a Perfect Day'

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