3 years ago

I went to the doctor, I was sick and dehydrated 2×, He said I have COVID, you must get vaccinated.
I said I don’t have COVID, I just have the flu 2×, Hydroxyzine and ivermectin, will see me through.
If you don’t wear a mask, you can’t come in here 2×, When I refused to comply, everybody starts to stare, The PCR test is fake, you can’t trust you’re TV 2×, Alternative media is the only truth we’ll see.
I got banned from Facebook for downing the vaccine 2×, Restricted and sensered, the worst I’ve ever seen.
I cant go out, they say its bad for my health 2x. I am so contagious I might infect someone else.
I haven't got COVID, doc its just the flu 2x, everybody so fearful, nobody know what to do.
I want to tell you, you’ve been lied to along 2x, just say No to the JAB, lets stand up and be strong
my best friend told me, I’m a danger to the world 2x, people are dyeing from Covid, haven't you heard.
If I don’t get the JAB, they say I will lose my pay, I am not going to do it, and that the way its going to stay

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